deux filles

The Adventures and Musings of 2 BFFs Separated by a Continent

Blinding Snow 7 February 2010

Filed under: Denise — deniselouise13 @ 1:02 pm
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I love how bright it is on a sunny day after a snowstorm. The snow glare can be blinding at the wrong angle, but mostly it reminds me of Arizona.

Yes, you read that right. The bright, sunny atmosphere after a blizzard makes me forget the dull, dreary overcast skies of an East Coast winter, and instead makes me reminisce about 300+ days of desert sunshine. I love how bright it is. When I go back to school, it will be too bright to look outside because of all the light reflecting off the field outside my window. I love it.

I hope this picture conveys how bright it is! ‘Cuz I don’t care if it’s cold: I care if it’s sunny. 😀